“Trade not aid” and “help for self-help” are usually the mottos of “The Essence of Africa”. However, there are people who cannot help themselves, the children. In order to support the children in Tanzania, “The Essence of Africa” will start a project for the integration of moringa oleifera in the daily kindergarten and school food.
In February 2014 Heinrich & Meinolf were visiting our partners in Dar-es-Salaam in order to see what children in kindergartens think about moringa. Obviously, they liked it!
Immediately the africrops! GmbH, the company behind “The Essence of Africa”, now finance a monthly ration moringa for the 50 children in this kindergarten. We will buy the moringa by our Tanzanian partners and our partner company Afri Craft will ensure on the spot, that it is used in the kindergarten.
Moringa provides the opportunity to enrich food with valuable nutrients. It contains many vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, especially vitamin A, calcium, magnesium and iron. These are many nutrients that are usually not included in school meal projects.