It’s been a while since Peter Bautz gained his degree in Graphic Design at the HBK Braunschweig. The topic of sustainability did not really exist in those. days. One might have maybe discussed the “Report by the Club of Rome on the state of humanity”, but the “limits of growth” mentioned herein appeared a long time away. The world of advertisement was still wholesome, bright and colorful – the creatives at the big agencies where its stars.
Peter Bautz mostly worked in smaller agencies where there weren’t specialists for everything, but rather allrounders. He designed logos, created advertisements, brochures, billboards and acquired the skills to become an advertising copywriter. He found enjoyment in creating holistically – he became fascinated by form and content and how the two could enhance one another. He thought in terms of conception, corporate design, brand image and advertisement campaigns. Ultimately always with the goal of optimally selling a product or a service. The guiding principle: “It’s not creative unless it sells.” (David Ogilvy)
Today, in times of climate change, the limits of growth have long been reached, if not crossed. Can one still advertise in good conscience? Yes, if the product is sustainable and this sustainability with its three pillars – social, ecological and economical – is rooted deep within the fabric of the company. At africrops! this is the case. And this is why here advertisement works in service of sustainability: “It’s not sustainable unless it sells.”